Wednesday, October 12, 2016

"Interrupted Journeys: A Memoir of an Army Brat"

My memoir about my childhood as an army brat of an army major is out in soft cover and in Kindle. It's the longest work I've published so far. It is self-illustrated with photos taken from the '40's through the '60's my father took. Many of them were shot by me from slides he made.

Here is an excerpt from the opening chapter, Journeys Abroad:

Our maid Eliska gazed at me with large brown eyes. "Babala," she told me with tears streaming down her cheeks, "You will write? Right? Promise me you'll contact me after you return to the States." (Babala was how Germans pronounced my name at the time.)  Eliska was my mentor, the one I told all my problems to. Without Eliska, I don't know how I'd survive moving from school to school, changing friends and dealing with German boys who beat up American kids at the school bus stop.

I nodded my head in reply for what else could I do? I was only nine years old at the time......